by Rev. John Downing
Peace is religion’s purpose. In Jesus we purpose a way to peace.
The way we purpose is contrary to the way of the world for the world uses violence to achieve its ends, we purpose nonviolence and love.
What does the Bible teach us about how to live in peace?
“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets” (Jesus in Matthew 7:12).
And from Rabbi Hillel, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow.”
“The Golden Rule” a guide for Christians and Jews for millennia. But are only Christians and Jews given this truth, this guide to peaceful living?
“If good men were to administer the government for a hundred years, violence could be overcome and capital punishment dispensed with” (Confucius, 551-479 B.C.).
“The ruler imbued with the Tao will not use the force of arms to subdue other countries. In nature the softest overcomes the strongest. There is nothing in the world so weak as water. But nothing can surpass it in attacking the hard and strong; there is no way to alter it. Hence weakness overcomes strength, softness overcomes hardness” (Lao Tsu ca. 400 B.C.).
“For if every man were to regard the persons of others as his own person, who would inflict pain and injury on others? If they regarded the homes of others as their own homes, who would rob other’s homes? Thus in that case there would be no brigands or robbers. If the princes regarded other countries as their own, who would wage war on other countries? Thus in that case there would be no more war” (Mozi ca. 470-390 B.C.).
“Whoever kills a human being should be looked upon as though he had killed all mankind” (The Holy Qur’an Surah 5:32). “But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace and trust in Allah; for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things” (8:61).
My knowledge of world religions is limited, but I see illustrated in the above quotes a central teaching in major faiths of a way to peace among people. Religion is the communal expression of our chosen faith. I believe that all religions’ overarching purpose is peace.
In the world many leaders have co-opted religion to achieve human purposes like power and greed. These people claim a faith and then use religion to cause division, war and hate.
Division, war and hate is not the will of the One God who created all people. I believe it is God’s will that all of God’s creation live at peace. The world is at war; what is happening in the world is contrary to the Creator’s will.
Christians call Jesus Christ, Lord and Master, and in so doing try to live our lives in accordance with all of Jesus’ teaching. When we do that, we receive the blessing of knowing God as Father.
Experiencing the wonderful blessing of God as Father carries with it the desire and responsibility of peacemaking. Gloriously, God the Father enables us by the Holy Spirit to live in love and make peace. Leaders in the Christian faith who teach otherwise, who promote and justify war and violence are wrong.
The purpose of religion is peace God made it so. The governments of the world cannot make enduring peace; the religions of the world can. It is time for religious leaders of all faiths to stand and lead the way to peace among peoples. Disciples of Jesus, let us call upon our religious leaders to gather with leaders of all faiths and talk peace.
Because of our faith and trust in God revealed in Christ we can confidently talk with, walk with, work with and love people of other religions who also seek peace.
Jesus the Christ impels me to call out to people of faith who seek peace, from every religion, let us gather, honor one another and talk of the way to peace. If we do not, violent people will continue to twist religion to serve selfish ends and be the cause of continuing suffering in the world.
A parting thought: In our country’s “new strategy” for the war effort against terrorism especially in regards to the volatile situation with Iran and Syria, we should remember an “old strategy” from Sun-Tzu’s Art of War, “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” (ca. 544- 496 B.C.). Peace begins with talk.
Still In One Peace ~ pastor john
Julian Assange is FREE!!!
7 months ago
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