Just like the Palestinians have in Gaza
by Ron Jacobs
There's got to be some irony in the U.S. transference of control to Iraqi security forces while the Israelis pound Gaza. Why? Because, despite the hoopla in the U.S. press and its Iraqi clones, the nature of the control being "given back" to the Iraqis seems quite similar to the control given back to the Gazans by the Israelis when they withdrew their forces in 2005. In other words, any control the Iraqi government and its security forces might now have can be removed at any time by U.S. forces. Indeed, the U.S. forces are not even withdrawing. They are merely turning the security details they performed for the past five years or so to Iraqi security forces whose existence depends on the presence of U.S. forces populating bases around Iraq.
According to a Washington Post article about the transfer, "the long-term plan, which could change if security deteriorates, is to maintain a handful of heavily secured American compounds," which would facilitate support, intelligence, and other such functions on an ongoing basis. In addition, the U.S. forces will also be available for raids and other police and military actions when the U.S.-approved government in Baghdad asks for their help. While it is safe to assume that many of these actions will be at the genuine request of that government, it is also safe to expect that some will be at the behest of the U.S. command.
While no one has suggested that this transfer of control is tantamount to the evacuation of U.S. and allied forces from Saigon in 1975, the tone of some of the U.S. mainstream media indicates that it is a step in that direction. This is patent nonsense. The nation of Iraq will not be rid of U.S. military influence until every last U.S. soldier is gone. This means troops considered combat forces along with those in support, intelligence, and advisory roles. In case Americans have missed it, this fact will not exist on the ground for a long time. This means, quite simply, that there is plenty of time for things to go in a direction unfavorable to Washington's designs. Should this occur, the likelihood of the recently negotiated status of forces agreement (SOFA) existing in its current status diminishes rather quickly. For those unfamiliar with the actualities of the agreement, there is a section that allows either Washington or any Iraqi government to abrogate the agreement at any time. As for the rest of the agreement, U.S. military officials are already on record calling into question elements of the agreement that limit their troops' ability to conduct raids, move freely about the country, and defend U.S. bases.
When it comes to Washington, the Bush administration has also questioned the interpretation of various parts of the agreement and left it open for its successor to do the same. These questions seem to stem from the Pentagon's resistance to the limitations on its mobility and perceived mission a strict interpretation of the agreement would require. Unless the Obama administration makes it clear that it will listen to U.S. voters and begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq immediately, then the Pentagon will continue the occupation despite the opposition of the American and Iraqi people. Unfortunately, Barack Obama has made no indication that he will fulfill the hopes of those who want all U.S. troops home now. Like every past president of the U.S., he seems to have tuned out the voters and tuned in the generals. It is up to us to reverse that situation.
Only a few hours after the United Nations mandate for Iraq expired and the SOFA went into effect, U.S. forces opened fire on a female staffer for Iraq's Biladi TV, critically wounding her. The reason for the attack was unclear. This incident could be the first test of the SOFA. After all, U.S. forces are not supposed to do anything in Iraq without coordinating with the Iraqi government, and they aren't supposed to have anything to do with civilians outside of an Iraqi-court-issued warrant. The possibility exists that this may be treated as a criminal assault and the U.S. forces involved will be tried in an Iraqi court. The greater likelihood, however, is that nothing will happen and U.S. forces will continue to operate like the occupying forces they are. Kind of like the way the Israeli military operates in Gaza.
Julian Assange is FREE!!!
7 months ago
Hitler didn't have weapons of mass destruction either but they knocked him off because he might have got them. Hitler didn't pose any threat to the US but they invaded and occupied Germany because of the threat he posed to his neighbours. They also didn't know about the concentration camps but they had more than enough evidence on Saddam's genocide. You can mount all the anti-Iraq War arguments against US involvemnt in World War II (the European theatre anyway). If the Arabs want to start a war these days the send terrorists to kill a few thousand of your people and get you to invade them, they get their war and get to die as martyrs and are very happy up in heaven with their 72 virgins. The main reason we invaded Iraq is because Saddam was sponsoring Hamas in their war against Israel which started in 2000. Saddam's ultimate aim was an Israeli invasion of Iraq which would have made him the leader of the Arab
World, like Nasser wanted to be when he tried it on with Israel in the Six Day War. George Orwell once wrote "Pacifists only oppose war when it is undertaken by Britain or the United States." Terrorism is merely the most modern form of warfare and a terrorist attack on the civilian population of any nation is alwayas an act of aggression. If the terrorists were "resisting" as so many people like to suppose they would attack military installations as their primary targets, like say,the Maquis in France during World War II or the Viet Cong who used terrorist tactics very effectively against the American military in the 1960s. The reason why everybody is bucking for a humiliating US withdrawal from Iraq is people hate to see America as the one world superpower but I hope you all have fun when you all become slaves to China in twenty years.
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